Our Program

Our Philosophy

Our curriculum is integrated across all domains of child development—the physical, social, emotional, linguistic, and cognitive.

We encourage our students to become enthusiastic learners—i.e., encouraging them to be active and creative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to have their own thoughts.

Our goal is to help our students become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners. We are teaching them how to learn, not just now, but all throughout their lives.

The activities we plan for the students, the way we organize the environment, select toys and materials, plan the daily schedule,
and talk with the students, are all designed to accomplish the goals of our curriculum and give each child a successful start in school.

Good manners as well as being polite, considerate, and helpful are behaviors that are modeled by the caregivers.

Positive words and statements are used when teaching appropriate behavior. Our students are never hurt, nor are they humiliated, threatened, or confined in any way.

Our Curriculum

We use best researched curriculum, The Project Approach.
The Project Approach builds on natural curiosity, enabling children to interact, question, connect, problem-solve, communicate, reflect, and more. 

It is a specific kind of project-based learning, bringing a number of advantages to any classroom, and represents best practices in 21st-century early childhood education.

Our Preschool and Daycare Programs

Our focus at Bilingual House is to build a solid educational and social foundation for young children through the benefits of bilingual immersion at the golden age of language acquisition. By doing so, we provide the best preschool learning experience for school readiness and life-long success.

We welcome children from birth to 5 years old for our preschool and daycare programs. Since we have low teacher-student ratios, we provide individually and developmentally appropriate early childhood education to each of our students.

For Infants (Birth to 18 Months):

Infants learn by playing, exploring, and discovering.  They learn how to move, communicate, socialize, and understand their surroundings.  We use simple baby toys, facial expresses, smoothing music, stories and talks, sensory experiences, and fun “tummy time” to stimulate their rooting reflexes, interact with them, and teach them.

For Toddlers (18 months to 36 months):

Toddlers are curious, active, and engaging explorers and learners.  As they toddle around, they try to make sense of the world around them by observing, recognizing, and categorizing the things they encounter.  For toddlers, we help them learn how to be independent and promote their interests for intellectual learning through daily activities and experiments.

For Preschoolers (36 months to 5 years):

As preschoolers gain more and more physical, social, and intellectual abilities, they show increasing initiative and curiosity about their surroundings, increasing engagement and persistence in their lives, and increasing invention and imagination in their play.  We use the Michigan State Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Prekindergarten as our curriculum framework, and Creative Curriculum as our lesson plans’ base to help our children reach the goals of physical, cognitive, social, creative, emotional development in diverse ways.

For Kindergarteners and Elementary Students:

If your child goes to Allen Elementary School or Tappan Middle School, we can do before- and after- school care for him or her. Please call or email us for availability.  

A Typical Day

7:30 - 8:45 AM

Arrival / Health Check / Children engage in free play in Activity Areas.

8:45 – 9:30 AM

Activities Time
Children are allowed to select their activities from teacher-directed activities or self-directed activities, such as: creative art, cooking, science/discovery, block-building, dramatic play, language art/listening, sand and water play, dramatic role play, games for development of fine motor or gross motor skills, manipulative.

9:30 – 10:00 AM

Circle Time
Clean up and get ready for the circle time. Circle time content: the Chinese/English hello song, action songs, music, finger-plays, concept games, rhymes, book-reading, stories, and stretching with Chinese numbers

10:00 – 10:15 AM

Clean-up and Eat AM Snack

10:15 – 11:15 AM

Outdoor play or vigorous indoor activity (depending the weather)

11:15 – 11:30 AM

Clean-up, Preparation for lunch

11:30 – 12:00 AM


12:00 – 12:30 AM

Quiet stories, Preparation for nap

12:30 – 2:30 AM

Children are required to rest for a reasonable period but not required to sleep. Quiet activities are available for those who are awake before others, i.e., quiet books, puzzles

2:30 – 2:45 AM

Wake-up, clean-up and Eat PM Snack

2:45 – 3:30 AM

Group Time

Reading, Story-telling, Craft-making, or free choice in activity areas

3:30 – 4:00 AM

Outdoor play or vigorous indoor play (depending the weather)

4:00 – 5:30 AM

Teacher-led Reading or Self-led Reading, free choice in activity areas, Preparations for departure, and Children leaving

Note: Toileting is done throughout the day as needed. Outdoor schedule changes according to the weather.

Our Monthly Rates:

Monthly TuitionsFull-time
(5 days per week)
(3 days per week)
(2 days per week)
(0 – 18 mos.)
(19 – 29 mos.)
(over 29 mos.)

 1. Early Drop-in and Late Pick-up Rate: $20/hr ($5 for a quarter of an hour)

2. Extended Care (more than 9 hours per day) rate: $10/hr

3. Drop-off Infant/Toddler Care Rate: $15/hr, Drop-off Preschooler Care Rate: $10/hr.

Videos of Some of Our Preschool Projects and Activities

1.  Visiting Ann Arbor Fire Station

2.  Learning Dental Hygiene with Dr. Chang

3.  Gardening with Scarlett Middle School Students

4.  Mouth-on Project_Making and Enjoying Chinese Wontons